October 30, 2007

To my faithful readers . . .

After returning from a great adventure in Malaysia, I discovered that my laptop had died and will be in the shop for an unknown period of time. They say I'll have it back by the end of this week, but I highly doubt that to be the case. Anyway, just know that all is well and I'll get back to posting when I have access to photos and internet again.

October 3, 2007

Congratulations to Alyssum P, creator of the most popular answer, "the fluorescent
undersides of mushrooms"! Still incorrect, but a good guess. The photo is actually
of the very artsy mood lighting at a movie theater in Chennai. Umbrellas were
strung across the ceiling, shading bright lights and creating a unique
effect I tried to capture. Keep those guesses coming!

Congratulations to Hannah K, randomly selected from among several people who
correctly identified this photo as a flower petal.
A letter will be on the way shortly!